We can't always control our emotions, but we can control out thoughts.
Unfortunately, our thoughts have a lot of influence, for better or worse, on our emotions. They can literally make them better or worse.
Although not easy, it's best not to dwell on negative thoughts or emotions. Not that total denial is the answer, but acknowledgement, followed by a swift kick to the positive is the best defense.
The more we dwell on certain thoughts and memories in our heads, the stronger they become, due to increased neural connections that form in our brains. This is the basis for learning.
Emotions that may be attached to these thoughts add to what becomes instant recall, the second we think that thought, we simultaneously feel that emotion.
Some have likened thoughts to "viruses" in the brain. Once exposed, the mind either allows them to multiply, forming stronger connections as they do, similar to a virus multiplying and spreading to more cells in the body, or dismiss them, thereby minimizing their effect, similar to the body mounting a defense against invading viruses.
Although we can't always control what we are exposed to, we can deal with our own thoughts in a positive manner. Whenever possible, try to dwell on the positive in thought and emotion. Thoughts give us our filters, the lenses through which we see the world we live in. These lenses can be "rose-colored" or dismally dreary.
Thoughts also lead to actions. Actions lead to reality. So it's true, we really do create our own reality and have to accept responsibility for that.
Whether we let our emotions take over completely, see our world through cloudy lenses, or dwell within ever growing negative thoughts, we alone the power to change our reality.
The best way to deal, is not to dwell, to flip the switch, turn on the lights, to "vaccinate" in a way. Attach an instant positive thought, let it grow and multiply until it outnumbers the negative thoughts. Similar to antibodies attacking invading viruses in the body, send "positive thought antibodies" to overpower and eliminate the invading negative thoughts.
We can't always control our emotions, but we can control out thoughts.
Unfortunately, our thoughts have a lot of influence, for better or worse, on our emotions. They can literally make them better or worse.
Although not easy, it's best not to dwell on negative thoughts or emotions. Not that total denial is the answer, but acknowledgement, followed by a swift kick to the positive is the best defense.
The more we dwell on certain thoughts and memories in our heads, the stronger they become, due to increased neural connections that form in our brains. This is the basis for learning.
Emotions that may be attached to these thoughts add to what becomes instant recall, the second we think that thought, we simultaneously feel that emotion.
Some have likened thoughts to "viruses" in the brain. Once exposed, the mind either allows them to multiply, forming stronger connections as they do, similar to a virus multiplying and spreading to more cells in the body, or dismiss them, thereby minimizing their effect, similar to the body mounting a defense against invading viruses.
Although we can't always control what we are exposed to, we can deal with our own thoughts in a positive manner. Whenever possible, try to dwell on the positive in thought and emotion. Thoughts give us our filters, the lenses through which we see the world we live in. These lenses can be "rose-colored" or dismally dreary.
Thoughts also lead to actions. Actions lead to reality. So it's true, we really do create our own reality and have to accept responsibility for that.
Whether we let our emotions take over completely, see our world through cloudy lenses, or dwell within ever growing negative thoughts, we alone the power to change our reality.
The best way to deal, is not to dwell, to flip the switch, turn on the lights, to "vaccinate" in a way. Attach an instant positive thought, let it grow and multiply until it outnumbers the negative thoughts. Similar to antibodies attacking invading viruses in the body, send "positive thought antibodies" to overpower and eliminate the invading negative thoughts.