Donations are the only way Orchard Animal Outreach is able to continue to provide medical care and a home for the "unadoptable" or "hard to place" animals who are overlooked or killed because of age, medical condition or behavior issues.
Donations also allow us to provide free or extremely discounted veterinary care for sick or injured shelter animals, since shelters often have limited funding for such purposes.
Donations also allow us to provide free or extremely discounted veterinary care for sick or injured shelter animals, since shelters often have limited funding for such purposes.
Here are just a few of our permanent residents and some recovering residents looking for rescues to find them a perfect lifetime family. We are, at any given time, caring for as many as 50 cats. Some live here permanently, others stay for evaluation and treatment until they are returned to animal services or taken in by adoption groups. Your generous donations enable us to continue medical care for these forgotten souls, as well as provide good food, shelter and comfort to animals that would otherwise be left to suffer until euthanized. Your donations go directly to give these sweet animals a second chance.